The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Application

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  1. The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Application Printable
  2. The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Applications
  3. The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Application Form
  4. The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Application Template


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Reminders it's ready to send emails, that was created based on Rules from specific Contacts.
It can be emails that are sending before or after specific time to the event from Contact data.
Like follow-up emails or friendly reminders about upcoming events.

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The hit list 1 1 4 – advanced reminder applications
  • Create and send email reminders and follow-up emails.
  • Automatic sending of email reminders by using shortcode in the page(s). Email reminders automatically send, when some user visit the page with email reminders shortcode.
  • Manually send specific email reminder(s) from admin panel.
  • Listing and real time (ajax) text searching of specific email reminder at reminders page. You can easily send or delete certain reminder.
  • You can filter reminders to show only sent or waiting to send emails reminders, or both.
  • Checking the status near each reminder (sent or not sent), as well as the name of the email template that uses the specific email reminder.


  • Easily create new contact based on customized contact form.
  • Ability to import contacts from CSV files.
  • Native integration with [Booking Calendar] ( 'Booking Calendar') plugin. Import all existing bookings. Create contacts in real time after creation of new bookings.
  • Real time (ajax) text searching of specific contact.
  • Ability to edit contact details and deletion of specific contacts.


  • Rules configuration for creation of new email-reminders from existing contacts based on multiple parameters. For example, creation new email-reminders from contacts, where country is USA, and date of creation of contact 7 days ago, etc…
  • Configuration of time based parameters, which provide ability to configure rules, like: 'reminder – 1 day before the event', 'follow-up email – 7 days after the event', 'after 1.5 months', etc…
  • Ability to create several email templates and select specific email template for specific rules for creation of email reminders.
  • Manually run specific rule to create email reminders from admin panel.
  • Automatic creation of email reminders by using shortcode in the page(s). Email reminders automatically created, when some user visit the page with rules shortcode.
  • Ability to edit rule details and delete of specific rules.
  • If you have thousands of contacts and you only need to handle the latest and not all together, you can define contact ID from which the rule will be executed.

  • Mobile friendly.

  • Ajax based admin panel.


  • Send friendly reminders about upcoming events.
  • Send follow-up emails after specific action.


Automatic installation

To do an automatic install, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type 'Email-Reminders' and click Search Plugins.
Once you've found the plugin you can view details about it such as the the point release, rating and description.
Now, you can install it by clicking 'Install Now'.

Manual installation via WordPress admin panel

  • Download plugin zip file to your computer
  • In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
  • Click 'Upload Plugin' button and hit 'Choose File' button
  • When the popup appears select your downloaded zip file of plugin
  • Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
  • When it's finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A message will show confirming activation was successful.

Manual installation via FTP

  • Download plugin zip file to your computer and unzip it
  • Using an FTP application, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation's wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and find your uploaded plugin
  • Click on Activate link under the plugin. A message will show confirming activation was successful. That's it!

The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Application Printable


Email Reminders overview

  • Reminders it's ready to send emails, that was created based on Rule(s) from specific Contact(s).
  • It's can be emails that are sending before or after specific time to the event from Contact data. Like follow-up emails or friendly reminders about upcoming event.


  • The term contact refers to the order of your product or service. It must contain all contact details and information about purchased product or service.
  • At contacts page lists all your contacts. You can easily search for specific contacts by keyword, edit contact details or delete contacts.
  • Contact fields structure depend on how a particular contact was added. If you add a contact manually, the system uses fields from contact form configuration. When importing contacts from a CSV file, the system uses columns as separate fields. And during importing from the Booking Calendar plugin, the system uses the structure of booking fields from that plugin.
  • You can define specific contact fields as labels, which will be displayed separately with a specific color in the labels column on the contacts page. Labels can be defined as field names on the 'Email Reminders > Settings General page' in the contacts section.

How to add a contact manually?

  • Configure the fields to add a new contact on Email Reminders > Settings > Contact Form page.
  • Fill in contact details on Email Reminders > Contacts > Add new page.
  • Click the 'Add New' button to create a new contact.

How to import contacts from CSV file?

  • Please enter a separator for the CSV file, usually it can be a comma (,) or a semicolon (;) on Email Reminders > Contacts > Import CSV page.
  • You can upload and select the CSV file (by clicking the Upload CSV file button), or simply copy / paste the contents of the CSV file into the text field on Email Reminders > Contacts > Import CSV page.
  • Click the Start Import button to start the import process.
  • On the new screen, you can delete specific columns or rows in the CSV table. You can also change the column names – it will determine the name of the contact fields. Please use only standard characters for fields such as A.Za.z0.9_.
  • Click the Save to DB button for saving contacts.

How to import contacts from Booking Calendar plugin?

  • Click on 'Add New Rule' button.
  • Select the email template you want to use as a email reminder for sending. You can create and customize email templates on the emails settings page.
  • Configure one or several conditions.
  • Note. If your condition is for a date field, then you can use a configuration that can be used in the strtotime function.
  • For example:
  • Reminder. 1 day before the event: TODAY + 1 DAY
  • Follow-up email. 7 days after the event: TODAY – 7 DAYS
  • After 1.5 months: TODAY – 1 MONTH – 15 DAYS
  • Click on Create Rule button.


  • The term rules refers to the conditions for creating contact-based email reminders.
  • Why do we need rules at all? Such conditions give us great flexibility to create new email reminders depending on any fields in contacts, and not just on certain specific predefined fields.
  • The rules page lists all your rules. You can easily edit, delete or run certain rules.
  • Typically, rules should be run once a day to create new email reminders, depending on the date(s) in contacts and current day. Of course, this can be more often if the conditions depend on the time of day relative to the current day. Or rarely, if the conditions are not dependent on dates and only on some other fields. In this case, the conditions may depend on how often new contacts are added to the system

The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Applications

What does the 'starting with contact id' field mean in rules page?

  • This field indicates the contact ID from which the rule will be executed. This is useful for situations where you have thousands of contacts and you only need to handle the latest and not all together. Please note that the system runs the rule with iterations by 1000 contacts per iteration to distribute the load on the server. And this field is updated automatically after each run. This is also useful in situations where the execution was interrupted for some reason, and the next time you start with the last processed contact lists.

How to run rule manually?

  • Click on 'Run' button to execute specific rule.
  • System will run rule and create email reminders from contacts based on conditions of current rule.
    How all this work?
    When you click the run button, the system starts processing contacts from the last time checked contact ID.
    In case you need to start processing from the beginning of contacts, you can click the Reset button (at right side near specific rule), or edit this rule and set 'Rule run starting with contact id' to certain value.
    The system process of 1000 contacts per iteration, which you can see on the log screen on the Rules page.
    Each rule can have several statuses:
    Not Started – when the rule starts from the beginning of contacts.
    In Process – the rule was executed early, but all existing contacts have not yet been processed.
    Finished – the rule was processed all exist contacts.

How to set up run rule automatically to create reminders?

  • Insert the shortcode into the page to create reminders for the specific rule.
  • When someone visits this page, the shortcode starts run rule and reminders are created.
    Shortcode configuration:
    [email-reminders-rule id=4 max_count=1500 is_silent=1]
    id [ integer ] – rule ID to execute.
    max_count [ integer ] – the maximum number of contacts to process during shortcode execution that match the rule condition, starting from the last processed contact ID.
    is_silent [ 1 | 0 ] – show or hide text after running shortcode on page.


  • Reminders it's ready to send emails, that was created based on Rule(s) from specific Contact(s). It's can be emails that are sending before or after specific time to the event from Contact data. Like follow-up emails or friendly reminders about upcoming event.
    How does it all work?
    The reminders page lists all your reminders. You can easily send or delete certain reminder.
    You can filter reminders to show only sent email reminders or emails reminders pending sending, or both.
    Next to each email reminder, you can check the status of this reminder (sent or not sent), as well as the name of the email template that uses the specific email reminder.
    To be able to send a specific reminder, you need to determine the name of the email field from the contact data that is used to send emails. You can define it at the Settings page for the 'Email field name' option.

How to create reminders manually?

  • Create or import contact(s) at contacts menu page.
  • Create rule for creation new reminders at rules menu page.
  • Execute rule – by clicking on 'Run' button near specific rule. After this you will have new reminders at current reminders menu page.
  • Now you can send one or multiple email reminders at current reminders menu page.

How to send reminder manually?

  • Click the 'Send' button next to a specific reminder to send it on the reminders page.
  • Or select several email reminders (by checking checkbox next to each specific reminder), and then click on Send button on the toolbar. It will send all selected reminders.

How to set up automatic sending of reminders?

  • Insert the shortcode into the page to send email reminders.
  • When someone visits this page, the shortcode will send email reminders.
    Shortcode configuration:
    [email-reminders-send status='init' max_count=20 keyword='United States|Canada|Mexico']
    [email-reminders-send is_silent=1 max_count=30 not_keyword='United States|Canada|Mexico']
    is_silent [ 1 | 0 ] – show or hide text after running shortcode on page.
    status [ string ] – status of reminders: ‘init', ‘sent'; all reminders, if parameter skipped.
    max_count [ integer ] – the maximum number of contacts to process during shortcode execution that match the rule condition, starting from the last processed contact ID.
    start_num [ integer ] – start from N reminders to send
    keyword [ string ] – Find all variants, like USA and Canada. For example: ‘United States'. You can use several terms separated by | symbol, which is work like OR : ‘United States|Canada|Mexico|Brazil'
    not_keyword [ string ] – Find variants, that does not contain such keywords. Work opposite to keyword parameter


Plugin supports following languages:
– English


  • WordPress 5.4 or newer
  • PHP 5.6 or newer
  • MySQL version 5.0 or newer


Contributors & Developers

'Email Reminders' is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Translate it for google translate 2 1 1.


Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.

Viticci put it well: 'There's only one thing I like more than switching todo apps: writing about it.' My 2Do review is much shorter than his, but I resonate with his sentiment.

That might explain why today I give you a review of another worthy task management app: The Hit List.

What I Like About The Hit List

The Hit List is much more robust than Apple's native Reminders app. Its proprietary Sync Service is fast, and keeps your tasks and lists updated across Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Watch (depending on what you have).

Perhaps the most noteworthy feature is the extensive system of one-stroke keyboard shortcuts on the Mac app. You can do just about anything without having to move your hand to the mouse. And The Hit List (hereafter THL) comes with a nice built-in tutorial to get you going:

The Mac layout doesn't totally match the rest of El Capitan, but I don't mind that at all. I especially like that you can have multiple lists open at once–in one window–as various tabs. This mirrors how we browse the Web, yet out of all the task management apps I've tried, THL is the only one to incorporate it.

It's a really nice touch, especially if you are actually working on a few projects at once and want to be able to close tabs as you go. Or if you want to toggle between your time-sensitive 'Today' tasks and other projects.

The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Application Form

The tagging system on all platforms is neat. By typing 'task /tag' you automatically can tag a task. It then shows up in a different color on the task entry line and puts itself into the right tag.

You can give sub-tasks to tasks, which is often what happens in real life! Our tasks turn into a series of sub-tasks, too. Of course you could just separate a multi-task task into its own project, but the ability to rapidly enter sub-tasks is great.

Probably my favorite part about THL is its task timing integration. Yes, you read that right. You can both assign estimated time to tasks, as well as track it! It's not as robust as a dedicated time tracking software–you can't get to-the-minute readouts of your day. But it's a pretty sweet feature on the Mac app.

The iPad app just came out, and it's got Slide Over and Split Screen support right out of the box. It's very cool to finally see THL on a bigger screen. (The iPad app is lacking in any external keyboard shortcuts however; future updates should add these in.)

What I Found Lacking in THL

1. No Save+.

Rapid-fire brain dumping is tricky in THL. Well, it's not impossible, but on iOS there's no Save+ button so you can just add a bunch of tasks at once without multiple taps. Keyboard shortcuts make it quick on the Mac app, though.

2. You can't email a task to the app.

It continues to perplex me that this is not standard issue in a task management app. I don't know… maybe it's just hard to implement. In THL there is no way to convert or forward emails to tasks from wherever you are. Evernote and OmniFocus allow this, as will 2Do soon. This functionality is essential to me in a task management app.

3. The iOS app isn't as configurable as one might like.

The criticism that you have to understand the app on its own terms often gets leveled toward OmniFocus, but I experienced some confusion in THL with the 'Today' list. Support was outstanding in helping me to understand it (which I do now), but the Today list shows all your tasks that start today. You can't adjust it to show just your tasks that are due today, which feels to me a more natural way to use it. You can't even really trick Today into doing what you want, since a task with no start date that is due tomorrow still pops up in Today.

On the iOS app, there are few settings you can configure:

THL also sort of forces you (if you're going to use the app) into its Inbox–Today–Upcoming logic. (These three 'hit lists' give the app its name.) This could be a limitation for some. That way of setting up things, to which you can add your own lists, appeals to me, so it's fine. On Mac you could create a 'Due Today' smart list, so there is flexibility in that regard.

4. You can't attach anything to tasks in iOS.

There is no way (whether in iOS or OS X) to attach photos or files to an item. It's hard to envision a week where there isn't at least one time when I want to take a picture of something as a reminder or attach a .pdf I need to complete a task. You can link to actual files on a desktop with the THL Mac app, but that's not the same as attaching the file to the task, so the file doesn't show up on iOS (just an error message). There's a notes field, so you can leave additional text, but attachments aren't really a working feature in THL.

Concluding Thoughts and How to Get THL

There's more to say, of course. The Today widget and Share extension features in iOS work nicely. The layout and interface of the apps is executed well on all platforms. It runs really smoothly, and looks great in its new iPad incarnation. Smart lists can help you customize your experience. Recurring tasks are easy to set up. You can quickly swipe a task on iOS to change the due date or move it to a different list and folder.

This is a little thing, but I think my favorite thing about the app is the sound effect that goes off when you complete a task. I wish every app had that option! It's like a little 'congratulations!' every time you get something done. Very satisfying to hear that tone.

Their support is excellent, too. THL even made a feature addition that I had requested–the ability to drag handles to reorder task lists on iOS.

Okay, okay, one more nice little touch: the icon for note detail attached to a task is excellent. Just by looking at a task, you can tell if there's an associated note. Similarly, a number icon shows you how many sub-tasks are connected to a task. Thoughtful design, for sure.

To sum up: the sound effects on iOS, tabbed list views on OS X, and integrated time tracking set THL apart from other apps, so if those appeal to you, this might be your app of choice. Grandtotal 3 4 3 – create invoices and estimates. Lack of email integration makes it hard for me to think about switching to THL as my go-to task management app, but perhaps future updates will add that feature. Overall, THL is at least on par with Things and certainly an option one could consider alongside 2Do and OmniFocus.

The Hit List 1 1 4 – Advanced Reminder Application Template

You can find the app here (OS X) and here (iOS).

Thanks so much to the makers of The Hit List for giving me a download in iOS and OS X for the review. Doubletake 2 4 3 download free. Check out the Karelia Software site here.

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